Thursday, September 15, 2011

Student Reading 1: Searching for reasons

1. What questions do you have about the reading? How might they be answered? My question is why wouldn’t Brennan answer Thomas’ actual question? It seems like they don’t even have an actual answer to why. 
2. What is President Obama’s answer? Brennan’s? Obama says that al Qaeda is always seeking to recruit people to be terrorists and kill Americans. He says that al Qaeda offers nothing except a bankrupt vision of misery and death. Brennan says that Al Qaeda is dedicated to murder and the slaughter of innocents. That they are motivated by Al Qaeda’s perverse and corrupt banner of religion.
3. Thomas was clearly dissatisfied with Brennan’s answer. Why? Would she have been satisfied with the president’s? Why or why not? Thomas was dissatisfied with Brennan’s answer because he wouldn’t explain why they attack us. He only handed her possibilities, but I don’t think he was really sure on his answer. I don’t think that she would have been fully satisfied with the President’s answer because basically he is just saying that killing Americans is just what they do and she actually wants to know why.
4. Why does Glenn Greenwald think it’s important to consider terrorist motivations? Do you agree? Why or why not? Greenwald thinks it is important to consider terrorist motivations because if no one answers the big question people are still going to want to know more and more about it. She thinks that someone should dig deep, learn more, get there best answer and go with it. Because leaving the question unanswered will create more questions. Yes, I agree because like she says leaving the question unanswered isn’t going to make it go away. Also that someone needs to go deep and get an answer and not be afraid of what other people think.
5. How would you answer Thomas’ question, “Why?” Why do Hasan, Abdulmutallab, and others commit such acts?? If you need more reliable information, where might you find it? I think that Hasan, Abdulmutallab, and others commit such acts because the Al Qaeda lure them into believing that American’s are the bad guys. Not letting them think by themselves and making them believe what they feel is true. If you need more reliable information you could find it on <>

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