Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tension In The Middle East 2

What sources of tension, new or old, in the Middle East are revealed by the film?
Is the US going to stop buying oil from the Middle east? Arab spring, people protest for economic reform and human rights against their dictator. Security forces opened fire on them days later. Many people were killed and injured by the protest. The Arab people ask why the US hasn’t done more. Usually if the US likes the dictator then we tend to not get involved with their decisions, and if we don’t like them then we get involved more. They are disappointed by Americas response to the fighting over human rights and economic reform. They expect the US to be a big source of democracy and step in. Protesters that have spoken to Aljazeera have been killed tortured or beaten. America’s fifth fleet is in Batrain, it is a very important naval base. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Middle East Essay

Based on the research I did, and what I found, there is not a balance of wealth in the Middle East. The countries that I think have the highest standard of living are Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iran. My findings might illustrate a source of conflict in the region because certain countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iran have a lot more money than any other country in the Middle East. This probably has a lot to do with their resources. So there may be big conflict over resources and how they should be shared or who they should go to.

Tension In The Middle East

What sources of tension, new and old, in the Middle East are revealed by the film?
Sources of tension: Conflict between Libya and the US. Bengazi wants Ghadaffi to leave Libya. Personally I don’t think that we should get in the middle of everyone elses tension because it makes other countries mad at us. And creates more problems that never had to be there. We may think that we are helping and trying to stop the fighting but it's creating worse things. Getting in the middle of conflicts causes tension which leads to war. Then when we get in the middle of war we start paying for weapons and other military aids. We end up spending a lot of money and killing more people. So I don't think it is worth it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Reading 3: A few more explanations

1. What questions do you have about the reading? How might they be answered? My question is why are we paying so much money on Palestinian military aids when we have so many people in our country that need help? You might find the answer to this question on
2. What U.S. policies do most Muslims hate and why? If you need more information, how might you find it? Most Muslims hate the United States foreign policy. You might find more information on
3. Why might acknowledging that U.S. policies have anything to do with jihadist attacks be seen as “politically incorrect” and “blaming the victim”? Acknowledging that U.S. policies have anything to do with jihadist attacks might be seen as “politically incorrect” and “blaming the victim” because we are the victim in the situation but we don’t like to blame anything on ourselves. Even if it may be our fault.
4. Despite a year of effort by Obama’s special envoy George Mitchell to move the Israelis and Palestinians toward a negotiated two-state solution, there’s been no visible progress. Why not? If you need more information, how might you find it? There has been no visible progress from the idea of this two state solution because the Palestinian’s and Israeli’s have really never been on each other’s side and now Obama is basically trying to make a shortcut to peace. Trying to rush it isn’t going to work. It needs to be done over time, and both places need to be involved. If you need more information you might find it on
5. How and why are the people of Gaza suffering? If you need more information, how might you find it? The people of Gaza are suffering because they are in a war with Israel and there is a blockade on Gaza. Which means that neither goods or people can get in or out. If you need more information you might find it at

Monday, September 19, 2011

Student Reading 2: A few explanations

1. What questions do you have about the reading? How might they be answered? Why does Osama Bin Laden just talk about how the U.S. is attacking and going against him and his people. When we have so many allies. Even some of which are Muslim people.
2. Years have passed since President Bush’s comments. What knowledge and evidence do you have to support, add to, amend, or oppose his explanation for terrorist acts? Why might jihadists want to overthrow certain Muslim governments? Drive Israel out of the Middle East? If you don’t know how might you find out? I support Bush’s explanation for terrorist attacks because like he says they just want to get rid of us. If they can’t fight with us they will try to fight against us. The muslims want everyone to take up their religion and government. They don’t want their people to have different opinions, or disagree with the government. Only the governments opinion is right to them. Jihadists might want to overthrow certain Muslim governments because they want to spread there religion, government, and beliefs to everyone. If you don’t know you might find out more at
3. Even more years have passed since Bin Laden’s harsh critique of the United States. What knowledge and evidence do you have to support, add to, amend, or oppose that critique? I agree that yes we did come back to their country. But we came back to help the people who do not want to be part of Bin Laden’s government and religion. They do not want to be ruled by him so they asked us for our help. We formed an alliance. Since we are trying to help the people there he is blaming just the U.S. for going against him. When even people in places such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan are against him.
4. According to Wright, what has led young men in Arab countries to find martyrdom attractive? Wright says that there are many young, and bored Arab men. They don’t have much to do. Adult illiteracy and unemployment is high. Anger, resentment and humiliation drove them toward Martyrdom. It promised the young men an alternative to a life.
5. According to polling in Muslim countries, how popular is Al Qaeda? Why? Many Muslim people still agree with Al Qaeda’s idea of removing American soldiers from Muslim lands. But the poll shows that many people refuse to be a part or associate with the Al Qaeda. Because of the indiscriminate killing.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Links For The Reading

Student Reading 1: Searching for reasons

1. What questions do you have about the reading? How might they be answered? My question is why wouldn’t Brennan answer Thomas’ actual question? It seems like they don’t even have an actual answer to why. 
2. What is President Obama’s answer? Brennan’s? Obama says that al Qaeda is always seeking to recruit people to be terrorists and kill Americans. He says that al Qaeda offers nothing except a bankrupt vision of misery and death. Brennan says that Al Qaeda is dedicated to murder and the slaughter of innocents. That they are motivated by Al Qaeda’s perverse and corrupt banner of religion.
3. Thomas was clearly dissatisfied with Brennan’s answer. Why? Would she have been satisfied with the president’s? Why or why not? Thomas was dissatisfied with Brennan’s answer because he wouldn’t explain why they attack us. He only handed her possibilities, but I don’t think he was really sure on his answer. I don’t think that she would have been fully satisfied with the President’s answer because basically he is just saying that killing Americans is just what they do and she actually wants to know why.
4. Why does Glenn Greenwald think it’s important to consider terrorist motivations? Do you agree? Why or why not? Greenwald thinks it is important to consider terrorist motivations because if no one answers the big question people are still going to want to know more and more about it. She thinks that someone should dig deep, learn more, get there best answer and go with it. Because leaving the question unanswered will create more questions. Yes, I agree because like she says leaving the question unanswered isn’t going to make it go away. Also that someone needs to go deep and get an answer and not be afraid of what other people think.
5. How would you answer Thomas’ question, “Why?” Why do Hasan, Abdulmutallab, and others commit such acts?? If you need more reliable information, where might you find it? I think that Hasan, Abdulmutallab, and others commit such acts because the Al Qaeda lure them into believing that American’s are the bad guys. Not letting them think by themselves and making them believe what they feel is true. If you need more reliable information you could find it on <>